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Notable Publications

"Ethel Wallace: A Forgotten History of Batik and Fashion."


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles    *denotes graduate student       **denotes undergraduate student

Mamp, Michael. “Ethel Wallace: A Forgotten History of Batik and Fashion.” The Journal of Modern Craft


Mamp, Michael, "Fashioning a Male Actress: Charles Pierce." Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America 47, no. 2 (2021): 121-137.


**Simon, Joshua and Michael Mamp. “Nostalgic Elegance: The Recurring Style of the Gibson Girl." Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America 47, no. 1 (2021): 61-77.


*Quinney, Alexis and Michael Mamp. “Resistance and Resilience: An Afrocentric Collection of 3D Printed Jewelry, and Digitally Printed Head Wraps.” International Journal of Home Economics 13, no. 1 (2020): 107-118.


*Thurston, Jennise and Michael Mamp. “’Let Prudence Plain-Dress be your companion’: Clothing of female preachers during the Second Great Awakening (1790-1865)." Clothing Cultures 4, no. 2 (2017): 117-133.


*Vanderploeg, Alyson; Lee, Seung Eun, and Michael Mamp, “The Application of 3D Printing Technology in the Fashion Industry.International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education 10, no. 2 (2017): 170-179.


Mamp, Michael and Sara B. Marcketti, “Creating a Woman’s Place: The Bonwit Teller Presidency of Hortense Odlum, 1934 to 1940.Fashion Style & Popular Culture 2, no. 3 (2015): 301-319.


Mamp, Michael and Sara B. Marcketti. “Mildred Custin: Bonwit Teller's Man of the Year.Clothing Cultures 2, no. 1 (2015): 9-26.

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Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

Johnson, Alicia, Michael Mamp, Austin Reeves, Joshua Simon, and Alexis Quinney (alphabetical order). “Queering the Fashion Classroom: Intersectional Perspectives.”  In Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution, edited by Ben Barry and Deborah Christel (in press).


Mamp, Michael. "The People's Countess: Fira Benenson." In The Hidden History of American Fashion: Women Designers in the 20th Century, edited by Nancy Deihl. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018.

Editor Reviewed Journal Articles

Reddy-Best, Kelly, Carmen Keist, Tameka N. Ellington, Nancy Deihl, and Michael Mamp. "Scholar's Roundtable Presentation: Do We Study Diversity in Dress." Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America DOI: 10.1080/03612112.2020.1715675


Mamp, Michael, Ariele Chantel Elia, Sara Tatyana Bernstein, Laurie Anne Brewer, and Denise Nicole Green. "Engaging Labor, Acknowledging Maker." Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America 44, no. 2 (2018): 133-151.

Edited Journals

Associate Editor Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty November 2019-present.


Mamp, Michael and Sara B. Marcketti, editors. "Shopping, Consumers & Retailing: Historical Perspectives." Special issue of Fashion Style and Popular Culture 5, no. 1 (2018).

Design Scholarship    

Juried Exhibitions      *denotes graduate student       **denotes undergraduate student

Mamp, Michael. Ode to Ethel Wallace (in preparation).


Mamp, Michael, *Quinney, Alexis, and Jennise Strifler. Bubble Bracelet, 3D modeled and printed client customized bracelet. Modeled in Rhinoceros and printed in polylactic acid and metal. Costume Society of America Juried Design Exhibition, April 2019, Seattle, WA.


Mamp, Michael. “I Want Candy”:  3D Printed Shoe Prototypes, developed in Rhinoceros modeling software and printed on a MakerBot Z18 3D printer. Shoe heel developed via trace of 18th century shoe illustration. Costume Society of America Juried Design Exhibition, May, 2017. Portland, ME.


An, Su Kyoung and Michael Mamp. Hidden Words: Cultural Exchanges II, minimal waste pant suit inspired by traditional Korean Hanbok. Digitally designed and printed Chinese dupioni with 3D printed statement necklace. Costume Society of America Juried Design Exhibition, May, 2017. Portland, ME.


Mamp, Michael and Su Kyoung An. Hidden Words: Cultural Exchanges I, minimal waste gown inspired by traditional Korean Hanbok. Digitally designed and printed Chinese dupioni with 3D printed adornment and beadwork. International Textile and Apparel Association Juried Design Exhibition, November, 2016. Vancouver, BC.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words: Memories and Forgotten Prayers I, mixed media wall hanging. Costume Society of America Juried Design Exhibition, May 2016. Cleveland, OH.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words: Down the Rabbit Hole I, silk noil wall hanging resist and low-water immersion dyed, mono-printed, free-form machine embroidery, beading, applique, stamping, stenciling, stretched and framed. Costume Society of America Juried Design Exhibition, May 2016. Cleveland, OH.


*Thurston, Jennise and Michael Mamp. Beautiful Protector, 3D printed neck adornment, hand painting, feathering and beading. International Textile & Apparel Association Juried Design Exhibition, November, 2015. Santa Fe, NM.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words: Down the Rabbit Hole II, silk noil wall hanging resist and low-water immersion dyed, stenciling, gold leaf, discharge printing, free form machine embroidery and beading, stretched and framed. International Textile and Apparel Association Juried Design Exhibition, November, 2014. Charlotte, NC.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words: Down the Rabbit Hole III, silk noil wall hanging resist and low-water immersion dyed, stenciling, discharge printing, free form machine embroidery, stretched and framed. New Hope Arts Center Juried Member’s Show, September 6-28, 2014. Juror: Ellen Bradshaw of Pleiades Gallery, NYC.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words: Cultural Exchange-Forgotten Heroes, digitally printed textile, hand embellishment, and paper mount. New Hope Arts Center Juried Member’s Show, September 6-28, 2013. Juror: Richard Rosenfeld of Rosenfeld Gallery Philadelphia.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words, caftan constructed of hand dyed, stamped, painted, stenciled, embroidered, beaded and discharge printed silk noil with hand-coiled yarn necklace. International Textile and Apparel Association Juried Design Exhibition, 2012. Honolulu, HA.


Mamp, Michael. Hidden Words: Forgotten Prayers II, mixed media wall hanging. International Textile and Apparel Association Juried Design Exhibition, 2012. Honolulu, HA.


Mamp, Michael. Fashion From the Motor City, draped rubber/knit-backed gown with hand dyed and printed chiffon panels. International Textile and Apparel Association Juried Design Exhibition, 1997. Knoxville, TN.

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Invited Exhibitions

Fiber, Fabric, Fashion: Invitational Exhibition and Exploration of the Textile Arts. New Hope Center for the Arts. New Hope, PA, February 20-March 13, 2016.


Exchange Art Exhibition: Fostering Future Collaborations. Lanzhou Jiaotong Technical University. Lanzhou, China, May 9-31, 2012.

Solo Exhibitions

Mamp, Michael. Shamanic Séance of Textiles; Michael Mamp Master’s Thesis Exhibition, collection of garments and art cloth inspired by Shamanic costume from various cultures. Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery April 27-May 14, 1998.

Refereed Presentations

Papers & Posters    *denotes graduate student       **denotes undergraduate student

Mamp, Michael, "Ethel Wallace: Forgotten Histories of Batik and Fashion." Paper accepted for presentation at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association 2021. Winner Paper of Distinction Historic Track


*Zainea, Natalie, and Michael Mamp, “Lester Gaba: Soap Carver, Mannequin Designer, Visual Merchandising Critic, and Educator.” Paper presented at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association November, 2020.


Mamp, Michael, and *Emily Mobley, “Beaded Elegance: Walborg Handbags.” Paper presented at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association November, 2020.


Boorady, Lynn; Stark, Gill; Mamp, Michael; Kim, Jihyun, Kim J., Schrimpf, Emily, “The University fashion show: Best practices to showcase student work.” Special Topics Session at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association November,  2020.


Mamp, Michael, and Denise Nicole Green, “Sartorial Expressions of Activism: ‘AIDS RED RIBBON MOTHER’ Sylvia Goldstaub and her son Mark.” Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting of the Costume Society of America, Seattle, WA, April 2019.

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., and Michael Mamp, “Queering the Classroom: Intersections of Fashion and the LGBTQ+ Community.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Cleveland, OH, November, 2018.

Mamp, Michael, “’I’m a Stand-up Comic in a Dress’: Charles Pierce.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, St. Petersburg, FL, November 2017.


Mamp, Michael and *Alexis Quinney, “Body Scans as Base Geometry for 3D Modeling and Printing.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, St. Petersburg, FL, November 2017.

Mamp, Michael, “3D Printing & Fashion: Outcomes and Disruptive Integration into Fashion Design Curriculum.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Region of the Costume Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, October 2017.

Mamp, Michael, “Technology: Asset and Liability.” Special topics presentation with Gayle Strege, Marlise Schoney, and Trina Gannon at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Region of the Costume Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, October 2017.

Mamp, Michael, “Fira Benenson.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Region of the Costume Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, October 2017.


*Strifler, Jennise and Michael Mamp. "I Stripped off My Babylonish Dress’: Appearance and Dress of Female Preachers During the Second Great Awakening, 1790-1865." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Costume Society of America, Portland, ME, May 2017.


Mamp, Michael. "Town and Country Made: The Custom Dress Designs of Ethel Wallace, 1930-1955." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Santa Fe, NM, November 2015.


Mamp, Michael and Sara Marcketti. “Hortense Odlum: Bonwit Teller’s first female president, 1934-1940.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC, November 2014.


Mamp, Michael and Sara Marcketti. “Peacocks roosting: Mildred Custin’s introduction of menswear to Bonwit Teller of the 1960s.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC, November 2014.


Mamp, Michael, Kathy Mullet, and Jean Parsons. “Use of Historic Collections Beyond Costume History.” Professional development session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Costume Society of America, Baltimore, MD, May 2014.


Mamp, Michael and Mary Lynn Damhorst. “The Art and Bohemian Character of Ethel Wallace.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, New Orleans, LA, October 2013.


Mamp, Michael and Eulanda Sanders. “Teaching Creative Design Process: Grey Gardens Documentary as a Source of Inspiration.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, New Orleans, LA, October 2013.

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